Minggu, 21 September 2014

Buku Teknik (Engineering) II

61. The Practical Pumping Handbook
62. Industrial Power Engineering and Applications Handbook
63. Combinet Cycle Gas and Steam Turbine Power Plant
64. Steam Turbines Design, Applications Re-Rating Second Edition
65. Stean Turbines for Modern Fossil Fuel Power Plant
66. Steam its generation and Use
67. Elementary Mechanics & Thermodynamics
68. Handbook of Civil engineering Calculations
69. Structural Engineering Handbook
70. Practical balancing of Rotating Machinery
71. Practical Machinery Vibration Analysis & Predictive Maintenance
72. Maintenance Fundamentals Second Edition
73. Fundamentals of Vibration
75. Shock and Vibration Handbook Fifth Edition

76. Shaft Alignment Handbook Third Edition

77. Basic Circuit Analysis Second Edition

78. Engineering Electronics
79. Machinery Balancing
80. Mechanical Engineer's Handbook Third Edition Materials and Mechanical Design

81. Casting Practice The 10 Rulers of Casting

82. Gas Well Testing Handbook

83. PCI Design Handbook 6th Edition

84. Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook Tenth Edition

85. Compressor Handbook

86. Handbook of Vacuum Science and Technology

87. Compressor Selection and Sizing Second Edition

88. Working Drawing Handbook Third Edition

89. Steel Designers Manual 6th Edition

90. Wood Handbook : Wood as an Engineering Material

91. Solar House : A Guide for The Solar Designer

92. Manual for The Design or Reinforced Concrete Building Structures

93. Structural Steel Work : Analysis and Design

94. A User Guide to Vacuum Technology

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